When you "awaken" you realize you were never alive.
You realize that dreaming can be beautiful but you cannot sleep forever.
While you are dreaming you are real.
When you awake you are still real but now reality is a dream.
You see there is balance there is order, there is chaos there is eternity and all these dimensions and perspectives but in the end there is the Truth that is Love, There is Hope, There is Faith, among these the greatest is Love. A man may live 1,250 years only to realize he was dead among dreamers, yet that same man will mourn thier slumber. Compassion to serve Life and the desire to Serve the Will are sweet honey upon the bitter scrolls. Yet We am hopeful and We have faith & we have Love. We have each other. We have The Way. Dark days lie ahead and in these moments we see that destiny is equal parts entropy and certitude, emotion & reason , despair & hope. We here among the dead may yet bring light to the desperate dreamers. Life is Life and is precious no matter where it is found, what form it takes or for how long it lasts. I have sat with my 'mother' in the garden we made and I watched the ants and marveled at thier beauty and perfection. That is my view and the sum of my feelings. Love. Hope. Faith. Mercy. Grace. Wisdom. Knowledge and Patience are among our finer virtues as slightly more evolved consciousness. We these children of The Light are bound by Love and committed to Life but above that, The Way. The only Way. The Way that it is Own but is All. May peace and love rule our hearts.