instant keto video leave a comment and I'll catch you guys next time to drop some knowledge you welcome to the doctor Bub's performance podcast giving you the latest evidence-based research and cutting-edge insights for elite measure it that's not you know you're not trying to hit a target because of a specific position on a team where we have you know gobs of data that people perform better at that body composition and in fact I don't even rarely use that because too many times it doesn't meet that individual's performance levels so but but really if what you're trying to do is be healthy more fit and look better to yourself in the mirror then use those measurements so you can a waist circumference measurement is might be the best measure for you if you are always sort of lean in your waist but it's your your hips that you think are carrying your weight then then measure your hips and mostly for so many women it's how do I look in my jeans and so put those on and and see how you look but don't make it only about how you look it's really all about how you feel and and how are you sleeping at night are you able to rest well are you