Nitro Strength scheduled appointment with worsening pain skin swelling and peril and discharge from the side of the Buried penis and he was describing a six-month progressive right groin pain with abscesses noted an ultrasound around the phallus and he had previous inds at his Regional Hospital should be noted this 34 year old was very obese BMI 56 with previous inguinal hernia sir surgery and an occurrence recurrent UTIs he had asthma OSA and was a nonsmoker and uncircumcised so the pictures that you see in the top left and the bottom right are prior to his presentation to for the infection this was just on his assessment for the Buried penis but when he showed up to the hospital he was a febrile but hypotensive and tachycardic he had a very penis with small skin opening and just to the left of the left side of it with perryland discharge and significant in duration and erythema of the anterior scrotum and the fat pad imaging showed what we you know