Granite Male Enhancement question for you when was the last time you hooked up with somebody and then the next day you called your friend and you were like girl last night I had the most amazing sex with this guy that means radiance or kindness and the more you start meditating the more you start to access this bliss inside of you and then you have more of it to give to your partner to your fulfillment and then it starts this beautiful reciprocal upward spiral of the more you give the more you get and then finally and this is the most fascinating thing that happens in meditation is that it starts to increase something called mirror neurons so now here heart of mirror neurons it's a relatively recent discovery but they're saying that mirror will do for psychology what DNA did for biology so here's the Broadway showgirls description of mirror neurons I am NOT a neuroscientist but I just pretend to be one sometimes so mirror neurons the way I understand them it's like you have little boomerangs in your brain okay and it's like these boomerangs go out
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