DXN Code Strike man so for the average person every 7 days for the average person there will be seven days for people that's doing all right it'll be we're gonna show you one of the honey's from the pelvis breaker kits the four different types of honey some people should have seen the video already alright this got the tongkat Ali now the thing about the tongkat Ali it helps the penis size and growth and girth the horny goat weed also adds a lot of testosterone in there so if you take that along with
DXN Code Strike Benefit the crazy rhino 18 lucky put as we say in the West Indies we gotta say in in Trinidad who ain't dead badly wounded yo talk who ain't that badly wounded so that's why I said I gotta do a live stream on this 18 lucky guy all right all right all right salute to you salute to you love you so Lou eighteen thank you for calling in man hold it down in the moderator section my man yo real talk let me say this somebody asked me Kathy via Oh No Kathy Seva acts what happens if a female takes