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Indigo Types

In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule

Friedrich Nietzsche, 1944 - 1900, German philosopher, whose work has exerted a profound influence on Western philosophy

Indigo children/adults are not all the same. After a few studies, four main classifications have been found:

• The Indigo Humanist: These comprise the largest group of Indigos. They are people-persons who can talk to anyone about anything. As teens and young adults, their peer group is their life. In relationships, they are very sensitive and cannot tolerate being betrayed

• The Indigo Conceptual: These are project people. Their task is to introduce new concepts in technology, design and mechanical processes. They are more likely to become software developers, engineers, architects or project planners. We have seen a lot of these recently with the rise of computers, the Internet, cloud-based software companies and how these are disrupting old, established industries.

• The Indigo Inter-planetarian: These Indigos are interested in introducing new philosophies and religions. They do not understand how human beings can cling to philosophies that are hundreds of years old, if not longer. Many of them are attempting to reconcile different religions, science and philosophy, science and mysticism, different esoteric paths, etc ... They are curious about everything, wanting to know everything

• The Indigo Artist: As children, these types of Indigos often try a dozen or more activities until they settle into one art form. There have been quite a few examples of these in recent years. In relationships, they try to get along with everyone, and they love being dramatic. They are picky and usually do not like the choices others make


​Many of these children have been diagnosed as ADD or ADHD, since some of the symptoms are similar, but there has been a lot of backlash against the medical community, since they do not recognize these children as different, avant garde as it were. It seems that, in general, doctors prefer to have a flat view of their patients, i.e. treat every child as being on the same level.

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